For all the other blog lovers out there, I thought I would share my list. Currently I read them through bloglovin, a great site that bookmarks all my faves and sends me a daily digest - this stops me from missing any updates, without clogging my inbox.
It's probably the most user friendly blog reading site I've used so far.
- Keeping it real in the hyped up world of over parenting. Lenore writes funny and meaningful posts about parenting in the big, bad 21st century with a focus on the outcome - developing resilience and offering life experiences to children.
- Canadian based Alex Smith, sharing all things play, with a strong social science flavour and lots of great images and guest posts.
- Paige Johnson shares the history of play and the most exciting, creative and innovative playscapes from all over the world.
- View from the playground: US charity, Shane's Inspiration, shares wonderful stories about communities connecting through play. Shane's Inspiration IS an inspiration to us, with the creation of over 40 accessible playspaces and a number of fantastic programs in place across the US since they started in 1997.
- Landscape Structures is a US based manufacturer of play equipment, we love the promotion of play through competition giveaways and look forward to an Aussie supplier partnering with us in the future in the same way!
- A great blog of all things green, creative and outdoors.
- This blog is filled with cool stuff hunted from all over the globe. We love the kids spaces...
What are your favourite blogs? Share them with us so we can add them to our reading list
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